Monday, October 15, 2007

Fruit Juice and Weight Gain

Experts generally recommend limiting children's fruit juice drinking due to potential excess calorie intake. The higher a child's fruit juice intake, the greater the gain in body fat over time -- generally among children who are initially overweight or on the verge of becoming so. Children who eat whole fruits gain less body fat. Many fruit juices typically contain added sugar, and therefore, calories. The fruit juice boxes so popular with kids typically contain about 100 calories each. So a few of those each day can start to add up. Pediatrics, November 2006.

However, pure fruit juice should not put weigh on kids if drank in moderate amounts. Contrary to popular belief, drinking pure 100 percent fruit juice does not make young children overweight or at risk for becoming overweight. Pure fruit juice provides essential nutrients and, in moderation, may actually help children maintain a healthy weight. The key here is moderation.



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